‘The ABCs of Writing Great Marketing Copy’ – Entrepreneur
Wendy Keller says, “There are just 3 simple principles to writing good copy. “Copy” in this instance means anything written by you or your company which is meant to attract customers to your business. The same 3 principles apply whether you are trying to increase donations to your non-profit, trying to convince people you are the best doctor in town, or working hard to sell someone your product.
To help you remember the 3 principles most easily, here they are in A-B-C format:
A is for Always.
Always think about the other person when you’re writing copy. What does the reader need? What do they want? What do they care about? The customer’s attention span is about 3 seconds (seriously – they’ve done studies!) and most people – even you – spend your days thinking mostly about yourself, your problems, your needs, your wants, your posessions, etc”.
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