‘3 Tried-and-True Sales Email Templates the Pros Use’ – HubSpot
Leslie Ye says, “No matter what you sell and no matter who you sell it to, there’s one question that all salespeople have been asked at least once in their careers: “How do I know this works?”
(Variations include “What’s the ROI?” and “Can you show me similar results your other customers have achieved?”)
That’s because prospects are savvy. They want to make sure it’s worth their time and money to use your product.
We know you’re savvy, too. If you’re going to flip through a 30-slide presentation, you’ll want to make sure it’s worth your while. So I’m going to cut straight to the chase and tell you exactly what these templates achieved:
– The first has a 76% response rate.
– The second increased conversion rates 1,100% (no, we didn’t add an extra zero).
– The third reengaged a prospect and closed a $100,000 deal”.
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