Mike Sands says, “It’s that time again. Time for retailers to rally their troops for the end-of-year holiday shopping season, getting strategies and technologies locked in for the critical period that will drive nearly 20 percent of annual retail industry sales. What should retailers plan in 2016?

Forecasts so far offer some not-so-great news and some good news. The unfortunate news is that total retail holiday sales are expected to be virtually flat this year, increasing just 1.8 percent, according to eMarketer predictions. The good news for digital marketers is that e-commerce sales are anticipated to increase 13.3 percent over 2015 figures, showing that there are dollars to be won in the online world.

But when competing for e-commerce dollars, there’s one factor that can’t be ignored: the online megabeast, Amazon.

The challenge Amazon presents to other retailers, especially around the holidays”.

3 retail strategies to beat Amazon this holiday season

Marketing Land

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