Aja Frost says, “When it comes to icebreakers, “describe yourself in three words” is by far one of the toughest. You’re a complex person, with unique ambitions, experiences, preferences, and traits — how are you possibly supposed to distill yourself down to three mere words?

Unfortunately, get-to-know-you conversations aren’t the only time you’ll face this prompt. LinkedIn headlines are essentially the professional version: They ask you to describe who you are and what you do in just one line. It’s not surprising most people end up with the platform’s default option, their current job title.

But letting LinkedIn choose your headline for you is a mistake. With a customized headline, you’ll instantly distinguish yourself, give prospects and recruiters a reason to view your profile, and start building the case for your product. You’d say that pay-off is worth the effort, right?

And you don’t have to go through the process without help. Here are the four secrets to writing a no-fail LinkedIn headline”.

4 Secrets to Writing a No-Fail LinkedIn Headline


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