Jasor Warnock says, “Last month, reports surfaced that Google and Microsoft this year plan to update their policies related to DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance), a change that could cause some brands’ deliverability rates to plummet.

Change is coming. DMARC authentication is becoming an important part of the email marketing landscape, and if marketers aren’t up to speed, it could spell disaster for their brands.

What is DMARC?
Our research shows that on any given day, 146 million fraudulent emails are sent to internet users around the world. To counter phishing attempts and other scams, the email industry created DMARC, an authentication technology that prevents fraudulent emails from reaching users’ inboxes.

DMARC works by equipping email recipients with the ability to determine if an email has originated from a legitimate sender. With DMARC technology in place, senders can notify recipients that their messages are protected by SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and/or DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) standards”.

What marketers need to know about DMARC

Marketing Land

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