‘The Ecommerce Marketer’s Guide to Improving Search Rankings’ – Entrepreneur
Sujan Patel says, “Based on data, organic search traffic is clearly one of the largest referral sources for most websites. There are more than 100 billion searches each month on Google alone, for example, and that works out to an average 2.3 million searches per second.
A certain share of those searches can be traced back to consumers looking to make a purchase or seeking information to help them complete a purchase.
Justin Butlion of Yotpo has described research he’s conducted to uncover how much organic traffic the average ecommerce business receives. “When I analyzed the traffic sources of the 18,000-plus stores in Yotpo’s database, I noticed that 30.5 percent of all traffic was coming from organic search on Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines,” Butlion wrote on the Kissmetrics Blog”.
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