‘3 Cost-Effective Ways to Increase Brand Awareness’ – Entrepreneur
Ryan Erskine says, “What’s your business’s biggest problem? It’s not money. It’s not your pricing. And it’s definitely not the economy. The answer is almost always obscurity.
If I don’t know you, you’ve automatically lost my business. How can I buy your products, invest in your company or fund your next venture if I don’t know who you are? I guarantee it won’t happen.
If you want to grow your business, you need to make attention your number one priority. It’s why networking is a thing. It’s why beggars make announcements on the New York subway. It’s why CEOs go on road shows to raise capital. If you get people’s attention, and generate awareness, you have a chance at earning their business.
It’s such a simple concept but it’s difficult to master. In fact, most companies are painfully bad at getting attention”.
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