‘Google PLAs are poised to produce over half of retailers’ paid search clicks by year-end’ – Internet Retailer
Zak Stambor says, “Google’s Product Listing Ads accounted for 46% of retailers’ Google paid search clicks in the quarter, a three percentage point increase from the first quarter. The image-focused ads are set to account for more than half of retailers’ paid search clicks by the end of the year, according to a new report by performance marketing agency Merkle Group Inc.
The report finds that Google’s push to eliminate ads from the right side of search results has helped boost PLA click volume 73% year over year in the second quarter, outpacing the 43% growth in PLA spending. The cost per click fell 17%.
Those strong results were a sharp cry from Bing, which saw its Product Ads account for a smaller share of overall Bing search ad clicks, 15.1%, than the previous quarter when the share was 15.5%. That was the first share decline since the format launched in late 2013. Bing Product Ads click volume rose 2% during the quarter, while spending on the ads fell 6%. The cost per click declined 8%”.
Google PLAs are poised to produce over half of retailers’ paid search clicks by year-end
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