Rich Kahn says, “Creating informative, helpful content for marketing purposes is easier said than done. There are a few common mistakes that most beginners make that you can avoid. Here are seven of them.

1. You don’t set a goal or plan a strategy

Content marketing shouldn’t be thought of as a separate entity, but as part of your marketing strategy as a whole. You need content to supplement your website or social media posts and to give customers a reason to look to you for help. If you keep content marketing separate, your customers will not experience the “big picture” that is your brand and company.

In order to increase your chances of success, you must set a goal and create a specific content strategy that details how you’re going to focus your efforts in order to reach that end goal.

To set a goal, you need to decide what metrics you want to focus on. Trying to achieve too many things at once makes it hard to analyze what’s really working and what isn’t”.

7 Simple Mistakes to Avoid in Content Marketing


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