‘Online Reputation Management: How to Protect Your Brand On The Internet’ – Business.com
Nadya Khoja says, “Have you ever looked back at your younger self and regretted some of the pictures and quotes you posted online? You’re not alone.
In the current digital age, the thoughts you share on social media and on the Internet can have a serious impact on the way people perceive you.
Post a lot of selfies on your Instagram? That says something about how you perceive yourself. Insult a lot of people on your Twitter? That says something else.
As an individual who is working towards building up a profitable business, it’s important to present yourself responsibly if you want people to take you seriously.
Azealia Banks, who I wouldn’t necessarily call “responsible”, but who still had a very loyal and engaged following, rapidly lost a lot of respect from her fans after posting a racist and homophobic tweet. It even got her account suspended by Twitter”.
Online Reputation Management: How to Protect Your Brand On The Internet
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