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Sunday, March 9, 2025

‘7 Content Marketing Tips for New Entrepreneurs’ – Entrepreneur

Mike Wood says, “Welcome to the digital age, where content marketing is a must for anyone starting a new venture. The idea of content marketing can be overwhelming for some, especially for those who have little or no experience with it. My advice has always been to read as much as you can before jumping into the field; however, that would take decades based on all the information available online. In order to cut through some of the clutter, I reached out to people in the industry in hopes of compiling some quick tips for new entrepreneurs learning content marketing. I received advice from... [...]

‘The State of Online Video in 2016’ – MarketingProfs

Ayaz Nanji says, “The percentage of consumers who watch 10 or more hours of online video each week is steadily increasing, according to recent research from Limelight Networks. The State of Online Video Report was based on data from a survey fielded in May 2016 of 1,086 consumers in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. Some 18% of respondents say they watch 10+ hours of video each week, up from 12% who said the same in 2015. Half of the consumers surveyed say they watch between one and four hours of online video each week”. The State of Online Video in 2016 MarketingProfsne... [...]

‘5 Secret Truths of Social Media Marketing You Must Know’ – Small Business Trends

Jessica Davis says, “Each minute, 350,000 tweets are sent out. With the stiff competition out there, you require equally potent strategies to ensure that your business is seen, heard and your product or service bought. But social media isn’t cheap. It requires a sizable investment of time and talent in content creation, marketing and analysis. So how do you double your social media marketing results without doubling your costs? Increase efficiency and utilize valuable resources that you haven’t considered. Tips for Marketing on Social Media Why Happy Customers are Great for Social Media Word... [...]

‘Mobile Search: It’s Different’ – Forrester

Jennifer Wise says, “Mobile search is essential. In fact, according to Forrester’s Mobile Audience Data, Q4 2015, 87% of US smartphone owners rely on browser-based search on mobile devices. And the data reveals that Google’s search engine is the most common path to a mobile site even for well-known brands such as Amazon, Walmart and Kmart. As a top discovery resource, companies can’t afford to wait any longer to implement a mobile-first search strategies. The biggest seen mistake today? Either lacking a strategy completely, or treating mobile search the same way as desktop search. As... [...]

‘3 Cost-Effective Ways to Increase Brand Awareness’ – Entrepreneur

Ryan Erskine says, “What’s your business’s biggest problem? It’s not money. It’s not your pricing. And it’s definitely not the economy. The answer is almost always obscurity. If I don’t know you, you’ve automatically lost my business. How can I buy your products, invest in your company or fund your next venture if I don’t know who you are? I guarantee it won’t happen. If you want to grow your business, you need to make attention your number one priority. It’s why networking is a thing. It’s why beggars make announcements on the New York subway. It’s why CEOs go on... [...]

‘5 Effective Marketing Tips to Increase E-Commerce Sales’ –

Christopher Jan Benitez says, “Looking for tips to improve your sales? Many guides splashed online use examples of successful brands that do marketing right. However, sometimes the best lessons are learned through failures., for instance, had opened the eyes of many digital marketers when they closed their doors back in 2000. This promising company aimed to be the biggest online retailer for sportswear and prestigious brand leisure. Although their idea was nothing short of revolutionary at the time, failed to answer the fundamental questions that define a company’s profit... [...]

‘Three ways to encourage social sharing in a foreign market’ – Econsultancy

Jeff Rajeck says, “We often hear that social media works best for brands when its posts are shared. Why is that so important? First off, shared posts get more reach. Shared posts are amplified by your audience and can be amplified again by their audience (and so on). Also, shared posts get extended reach for free. Marketers are now so used to paying to promote posts, that its easy to forget this aspect of social media. Most of all, however, shared posts give your brand credibility which cannot easily be engineered. Your shared posts have been given the stamp of approval by someone and so... [...]

‘Four Ways to Woo New Customers With Sweet-Talking Web Copy’ – MarketingProfs

Lisa Pierson says, “You know this isn’t working. Something just isn’t right. You’ve spent weeks refining your Web copy. You think it looks damn near perfect. But it’s not bringing the results you need. Traffic. Leads. Profit. Is that too much to ask? You give, and you give: You list your achievements, you detail your experience, you explain your worldview. But you’re not getting much action on your site. No new subscribers. Your sales have fallen. And those word-of-mouth referrals you started your business with have vanished. Your competitors are busy playing... [...]

‘How can digital brands adapt content strategy for high growth markets?’ – Econsultancy

Marco Veremis says, “How can brands such as Amazon Prime and Netflix ensure they approach high growth markets fully prepared, to maximise the viable revenue opportunities on offer? As advanced economies are rapidly reaching saturation point and consumer acquisition is becoming increasingly challenging, digital content brands seeking expansion have no option, but to look for new revenue streams. With three billion content-hungry consumers, high growth markets offer exactly this. In fact, according to Upstream’s 2016 Developing Markets Mobile Commerce report, there is an estimated $70bn revenue... [...]

‘4 Places Writers Leave Money on the Table’ – Copyblogger

Kelly Exeter says, “Sales copy, web copy, de-jargonized annual reports, useful blog posts, engaging email newsletters, podcast scripts, ghost-written business books … when it comes to content that writers are paid money for these days, the list is long. But is no one knocking down your door asking for your expertise? Are prospects unaware of how you’re able to help them clearly and concisely communicate their thoughts? Why would that be the case? Most likely it’s because your online presence doesn’t actually sell your writing services. If potential clients don’t know you’re a... [...]

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