Jayson Demers says, “In the marketing world, it often pays to take risks. But many marketers and entrepreneurs are intimidated at the idea of taking a bold action. That’s reasonable cause for reluctance, especially for new businesses with limited experience or limited resources with which to fund a campaign.

However, risk-taking is vitally important if you want your marketing strategies to pay off in the long term; and countless brand examples are proof.

Why risk-taking Is important

First, let’s take a look at some of the reasons why risk taking is important in marketing in the first place:

– Distinguish yourself. One of the most important considerations for any marketing campaign is how you’re going to stand out from the competition and become more visible to your customers. Without that distinction, your campaign won’t generate enough visibility or recognition to be effective. Taking a risk automatically distinguishes you — if for no other reason than the fact that so few others have taken this risk”.

4 Risky Marketing Ideas That Paid Off


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