‘6 Roles You Need for Successful B2B Content Marketing’ – Convince & Convert Blog
Matt Heinz says, “As the function and importance of content marketing increases for B2B companies, organization of that effort has picked up speed as well. Many companies are developing entire, internal “newsrooms” that effectively mimic the organization, cadence, and efficiency of professional journalism environments.
But today’s B2B content marketing needs so much more than that. It happens faster, and requires far more work post-publication to maximize impact, conversion, and shelf-life.
To be successful in content marketing, you need at minimum six roles. (highlight to tweet) These roles don’t need to be owned by five distinct people. In some cases, one person may own multiple roles. In other cases, roles might be managed by multiple people.
But no matter how you organize and execute, make sure these functions are understood and filled.
1. Voice of the Customer
It’s near impossible to create an effective content marketing program without injecting every level of effort with your customer’s point of view. This includes up-front input into your editorial calendar, an understanding of what formats and channels your target customers prefer, and real-time feedback on published content, as well as reactive content production and participation opportunities”.
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