‘6 Features That Make Premium Web Hosting Worth the Money’ – HubSpot
Bill Peatman says, “One morning, I opened the website of a company I worked for, and it was gone. Completely gone. There was nothing there but a profane salutation in Russian. The site had been built by employees in the IT department. They were no longer with the company. I called IT to see if we could restore the site. They didn’t even know where it was hosted.
After several hours of frantic emails and phone calls, we discovered that our site was hosted on one of those off-the-shelf, $9.99 per month retail hosting services and there was no backup.
To learn more about what web hosting is, how it works, and how web hosting can improve a site’s security and performance, get the Alaniz Guide to Web Hosting.
Do you know where your website is? This company didn’t and it paid a steep price. Web hosting was an afterthought. As it still is by many companies. It’s a commodity that is purchased based on price and convenience”.
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