Karen Mishra says, “Gaining their trust will be hard to do at first, as they won’t have much to go on. However, it is possible to show your customers that they can count on you to perform by simply proving to them them that you are reliable.

Answer your phone during the hours you say you will. Be open when you say you will. Get back to a new customer when you say you will. All of these things are simple yet critical ways of showing your customers that they can count on you.

These may seem simple, but too many companies – large and small — don’t seem to care about how they treat customers before they are ever customers. Here are a few ways to show your customers you care.

1. Never leave your customers hanging.

I am considering trading in an old car for a new one. Here in North Carolina, the summers are hot. If you see someone walking on your car lot in the middle of the day, chances are that they are a serious customer. However, when we walked on a lot the other day, it was nearly 30 minutes before anyone walked out of the air conditioned showroom to ask if they could help us”.

4 Ways to Earn Trust From Prospects and Customers


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