Anoushka Adya says, “White noise.Clutter.Information Overload.Short Attentions spans. We’ve heard these being bandied about plenty whenever any “expert” waxes eloquent on digital marketing.

But how do you leap over these inevitable hurdles while on your way to building digital equity? Let me be honest, it’s tough. It comes with time and it comes with keeping up with change. Here’s what I think an entrepreneur can do to rise above the digital din in an attention economy.

1. Bank on content – Tell me a story

At the core of any product, individual or brand is a story. Tell that story and tell it well. Make content the blood that runs through the veins of your brand and you will never fail. With consumers becoming more and more ad savvy by the day and suffering from ad fatigue, a good story is truly the only way you can possibly ensure stickiness”.

In The Cluster Of Digital Marketing Space How Can An Entrepreneur Think Differently


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