Rieva Lesonsky says, “Last month I was part of the mentor neighborhood at the Sage Summit. The questions I was asked more than any other all concerned digital marketing.

Obviously, small business owners know digital marketing is no longer secondary to traditional print marketing and advertising and is a great way for them to get more bang for their marketing bucks. But to get the best results, it’s important to keep up with digital marketing trends.

Digital Marketing 101

Here are 5 things every small business owner must know about digital marketing.

1. Your website’s gotta be mobile. Some 71 percent of internet consumption is via mobile, according to ZenithOptimedia, which reports that internet users spend on average 86 minutes a day on mobile internet, compared to 36 minutes on desktop internet. Earlier this year, Google changed its algorithm to give higher rankings on search engine results pages to mobile-optimized websites. The takeaway? Make sure your business website is mobile-friendly. The best way to do this is by using responsive design, which ensures that the website “responds” to whatever device the viewer is using and displays correctly”.

5 Things You MUST Know About Digital Marketing

Small Business Trends

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