‘The Not-So-Secret Tactic to Growing Your Email Audience Really Quickly’ – AWeber
Liz Willits says, “Jeopardy time: A virtual event so popular that it garners almost unheard-of visitor-to-lead and lead-to-customer conversion rates.
Correct response: “What is a webinar?”
I can confidently say that webinars may be one of the best content marketing tactics out there. I know this from the number of success stories inundating the internet – webinar landing pages converting 51 percent of visitors into leads, stunning 20 percent conversion rates of webinar attendees to paying customers and the sheer number of companies promoting themselves with webinars (62 percent of B2B companies alone).
I’ve also seen it for myself while promoting webinars at AWeber. Emails with above-average open rates and click-through rates”.
The Not-So-Secret Tactic to Growing Your Email Audience Really Quickly
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