Jennifer Slog says, “Last week, we were first to report that Google AdWords was restricting data for the AdWords Keyword Planner for those advertisers without active campaigns. Google has now officially confirmed the change, and revealed another detail – accounts that are also under a certain monthly spend will also see the reduced data in the Keyword Planner Tool.

It isn’t clear what the minimum ad spend is for advertisers to keep the more detailed data in Keyword Planner, advertisers have asked but there has not been an official response yet.

Now, this move isn’t much of a surprise for SEOs relying on this data. In June, Google completely shut off Keyword Planner access to non-advertisers, although they later said it was merely a bug. And it follows another change where Google decided to group up similar and related keywords into one lump estimate, and would no longer provide detailed data on individual keywords”.

Google AdWords Reduces Keyword Planner Data to Low Budget & Non-Advertiser Accounts

The SEM Post

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