Ben Davis says, “Okay, it’s probably disingenuous to pretend that social media is still something nascent and unproven for brands.

Even with a tricky attribution problem to solve, most brand marketers and advertisers agree it just makes sense to target these large, active and known audiences.

Having said that, some brands ‘got’ social media a lot quicker than others.

Here are 30 examples…

1. General Electric

If we look at GE’s latest social media venture, it’s a good example of how the brand turns its own work into genuinely inspiring and shareworthy content around science and engineering.

GE has teamed up with filmmaker Sam Cossman, who is descending into the Masaya Volcano, or ‘Mouth of Hell’, in Nicaragua.

The whole thing is being shared on Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook, as Cossman and the team install sensors that will track a variety of measurements new to science for this volcano“.

30 brands with excellent social media strategies


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