‘5 ways digital marketers can make healthier impressions’ – Marketing Land
Lewis Gersh says, “Imagine this, digital marketers: Instead of distributing virtual ads anonymously in cyberspace, you have to pass out flyers to people you meet face-to-face.
You spot someone reading a tablet over lunch at a sidewalk café. Would you walk up, wordlessly place your flyer right over the screen on their tablet and walk away?
Of course you wouldn’t. And you shouldn’t commit the virtual equivalent of that, either.
But many marketers do. And that complete lack of self-awareness could be the biggest crisis facing the industry today. Here’s a five-step program for solving it.
Step 1: Eliminate fraud
I touched on this in June (“Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble”), but it bears repeating. Marketers need to change their attitude toward digital ad fraud. Immediately. What’s become an acceptable level of breakage is unacceptable”.
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