‘Mobile Web vs. Apps vs. Native SMS: Tips for Mobile Engagement Success’ – MarketingProfs
Jessica Langdorf & Doreen Saxby says, “Over two-thirds of Americans now possess a mobile phone, and we use it for just about anything and everything, multiple times per day. And we’ve all heard those reports that shock us with the extent of our mobile obsession, suggesting that people are willing to give up beloved vices like chocolate rather than give up their phone.
So knowing the significance of the mobile phone to our everyday lives, and quite frankly our personal identity, how can brands effectively master communications with customers in a way that achieves results—in a way that is respectful of the user? And what methods should we take to reach them? Can brands just build a mobile app and call it a day?
It isn’t that simple.
The opportunities for businesses to engage with mobile users go beyond simply creating an app or mobile website. Mobile communications need to be informed, responsive, intelligent, and mindful of the user’s unique experience on mobile versus other platforms, such as the desktop”.
Mobile Web vs. Apps vs. Native SMS: Tips for Mobile Engagement Success
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