Tony Messer says, “Do you want to be a better business blogger?

The simple fact is that setting up a blog for your business is one of the smartest moves you can make.

Why? Because content is the future of online marketing and businesses that are creating andpromoting content on their blog on an ongoing basis are building a long term advantage over less savvy competitors. The problem? Blogging takes time.

Anyone who tells you that blogging is essentially free because you’re not paying for traffic in the traditional sense as you are with Pay-Per-Click (PPC) has obviously not run a business. If you’re dedicating time to your blog then that’s lost opportunity. That’s time that could be spent with your customers or building up your team.

The thing is that I would always recommend that the business owner “owns” the content strategy. What I mean is that they need to be the ones who determine the content goals of the blog and define theblogging calendar. That means that they have control over what content goes on the blog and the frequency“.

The 5 Daily Habits of Highly Successful Business Bloggers

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