Sujan Patel says, “Running an ecommerce business isn’t easy: You’re physically disconnected from the customer, making it a monstrous struggle to establish trust for that first purchase. An even greater struggle is getting that first-time customer to come back and purchase again: According to research by RJMetrics, only 32 percent of customers studied placed a second order with an ecommerce business during the first year.

Still, if yours is that business, and you can actually win over that customer for a second purchase, your likelihood of achieving additional purchases grows progressively (50 percent for the third purchase, 65 percent for the fourth, 70 percent for the fifth and so on.)

Another finding from RJ Metrics — which reviewed data from 176 ecommerce retailers and 18 million customers — was that the major proportion of spending happens within the first 30 days“.

The 4 Opt-in Forms All Ecommerce Websites Must Have


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