‘Pokémon Go generates sales from visiting game players, but the data’s predictive value may be overrated’ – Marketing Land
Barry Levine says, “The Pokémon Go craze is a boon for digital marketers, right?
Maybe yes, maybe no. That is, a recent survey indicates that the game is generating some sales at businesses, although one marketing data expert contends that the game’s location data is too atypical to be very useful for predictive marketing.
Chicago-based Slant Marketing recently conducted an online survey of 500 game-playing U.S. respondents via Amazon’s Mechanical Turk. While the survey raises almost as many questions as it answers, it is one of the first to validate the idea that businesses’ sales can be stimulated by Pokémon Go-driven visitors.
In short, Slant Marketing VP and GM Chris McGuire told me, the survey looked at the kind of Pokémon Go-related behavior that can increase sales, behavior like visiting a store or restaurant.
The survey found that each game player spent an average of $11.30 for every Pokémon-related visit to a business. Of course, the amount varied by the business, since the purchase might be an extra drink or two at a bar but only a small bottle of water at a convenience store“.
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