Joe Hessert says, “Savvy marketers constantly evaluate and re-evaluate their website’s performance, optimizing for a strong user experience and high conversion rate.

This is especially true for SEOs who understand that quality signals like a high organic click-through-rate and high levels of user engagement can have an impact on where their website ranks in Google’s search results.

If you’re using Google Analytics to identify web pages and blog posts which aren’t delivering a high-quality user experience, one of the metrics you’re likely looking at is Bounce Rate.

Google defines Bounce Rate as “the percentage of single-page sessions (i.e. sessions in which the person left your site from the entrance page without interacting with the page).”

Assumptions About Bounce Rate

Most marketers assume that a high bounce rate means that users don’t like what they find when they land on a web page“.

Why Bounce Rate Might Not Tell You How Engaged Your Site’s Traffic Actually Is

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