Ray Hennessey says, “Hashtags are everywhere, and they’re generally awful. We give lip service to how important social media is in how we market, even how, as a I society, we communicate, but brands don’t walk that walk in execution.

Think about it: How often is a hashtag too long (taking up valuable real estate in a 140-character environment), misspelled or easily hijacked. Companies that spend a ton of time and money working on brand voice, a great site environment and a calculate inbound marketing program, make a hashtag almost on the fly, to disastrous results.

Hashtag fails abound. Because these are multiple words, unseparated by spaces or punctuation, they often take on unintended meanings. So, when Susan Boyle’s handlers wanted to combine Susan Album Party into #susanalbumparty, they foolishly thought the sniggering middle schoolers in all of us wouldn’t be drawn to the “anal bump” part — and comment on that, with a healthy amount of adult snark, on Twitter“.

Your Hashtag and Your Brand Go Hand in Hand


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