‘Common PPC mistakes and how to avoid them’ – Search Engine Land
Laura Collins says, “I was once asked to list my favorite PPC mistakes. To me, this seemed like a contradiction in terms; I don’t hold any of the mistakes I’ve made in particularly high regard. Perhaps a better phrase to use would have been common PPC mistakes. Because mistakes, no matter how hard we try, are common.
We’re all human and therefore capable of human error. And the world of PPC is rapidly evolving with new, ever more sophisticated features and updates. With all those shiny new bells and whistles to explore, it can be easy to forget the basics.
Here I take a look at what I’ve found to be the most common mistakes in PPC accounts, along with some guidance on how to avoid them.
Two kinds of mistakes
There are two main categories into which the mistakes I’ve listed below could fall: accidents, or misuse of best practices.
Accidents are the result of human or occasionally technological error, where there is no question that a mistake has been made“.
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