Paul Cheney says, “Does UX really make that much of a difference?

Besides being an important business question, there’s an entire industry of UX professionals who count on it making a difference. Sure, intuitively, we think it will. And there’s even survey data to support it.

But what about at the company-level?

Has anyone been able to measure the impact of UX on an actual company’s bottom line?

Bryce Miller of MasterControl, an enterprise quality management software company, has measured it. It happened on a template for 45 of their product pages. The team at MasterControl working with MECLABS, found that using the MECLABS conversion heuristic and focusing on friction (the element that is most commonly associated with traditional UX) generated a 52% increase in leads and $1,543,320 in sales pipeline growth.

The reason Miller can be so sure about his increase? He ran a valid test.

Here’s Miller’s control. It’s essentially a page template for content about their products. But it has a significant amount of friction in the process“.

Page Templates Tested: How a few UX tweaks to 45 template pages generated a 52% increase in leads


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