Jonha Richman says, “Everyone and their great-grandmother has heard of the internet. It’s lowered the barrier to entry for entrepreneurs worldwide. It’s also leveled the playing field where your target audience can be global rather than regional. But some entrepreneurs still don’t want to pick up web skills. And if you’re on the business/marketing side of things, I can understand why.

But remember, you don’t need to be writing algorithms for Google to be tech savvy. I’ll cover a few topics worth studying that will expand your horizons and improve your online presence without the need to become a master coder.

Split testing and conversions.

It’s crucial to understand A/B testing for conversions. This is naturally important for ecommerce websites but also for any business site where you want visitors to perform certain tasks.

Take a law firm, for example. They want to encourage visitors to setup a free consultation. You can run split test campaigns to see which colors, written copy or layout designs work best to drive more people to setup an appointment. You can even do this for free with Google. There’s no right or wrong answer because A/B tests rely on several factors like audience and conversion goals”.

Essential Web Skills Every Modern Entrepreneur Must Have


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