‘Asking The Right Questions: A Socratic Approach To Sales Enablement Automation’ – Forrester Blogs
Steven Wright says, ““The answers you get depend on the questions you ask.”
― Thomas S. Kuhn
The Socratic method proposes that you can learn much by asking questions to test the logic of various facts and beliefs to stimulate critical thinking. Forrester’s 30-minute inquiries often become a miniature version of the Socratic approach, usually with the client having an initial set of questions and the analyst then having a few questions in return to clarify the topic.
“To be able to ask a question clearly is two-thirds of the way to getting it answered.”
― John Ruskin
After 11 months, I have engaged in dozens of inquiries with customers from many industries — all of them asking about sales enablement automation (SEA). Questions range from what technology to use to how to organize and support it, among other areas. As you’d expect, certain questions come up more than others”.
Asking The Right Questions: A Socratic Approach To Sales Enablement Automation
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