Itai Sadan says, “”I turned off Google AdWords because the cost-per-lead was too high.” That line from Neil Patel’s blog post, “What Spending $66,372.09 on Paid Advertising Taught Me,” featuring different pay-per-click (PPC) methods, still resonates after four years because it highlights a common problem: The pay-per-click model wants us to throw away a lot of cash.

In case haven’t noticed, you (and a lot of other advertisers) recently have been paying more for PPC campaigns than you used to.

The average PPC costs (cost-per-click, cost-per-mile, cost-per-conversion, etc.) have increased in the past few years, according to a survey of 50 advertisers on the Google AdWords ad network by Hochman Consultants”.

Four Steps to Lowering Your PPC Costs


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