Danny Sullivan says, “Hey! Google has a new messaging app out today called Allo. Pity I can’t send you a text message about it. Allo can’t handle that, not from my actual number, which is a core failing out of the box. It’s a failing Google can’t afford with yet another messaging app.

The glory that was Google Voice

I am a long-time Google messaging app user. Let me go back to Google Voice, a wonderful programthat lets you use one phone number for any phone you have. Free SMS messages. The ability to search all your messages. Messages sent also to Gmail.

Not using Google Voice? That’s because Google barely acknowledges that it exists these days. It stopped development on the Google Voice app ages ago. It sits there like a relic of bygone years. And if you try to use it, Google pushes you to use Google Hangouts.

Google Hangouts, if at first you don’t succeed

Remember Google Hangouts? That was supposed to be Google’s big push to get people messaging the Google way. It has all the features of Google Voice except, you know, the ability to search your messages. Search — Google’s core competency, omitted. In other words, a downgrade. But if you were a Google Voice user, you likely took the downgrade for a better UI plus the ability to get MMS”.

Allo: Google again moves deck chairs on its sinking Titanic in the messaging wars

Marketing Landc

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