Duraid Shaihob says, “$5.73bn in revenue. Nearly $400m in profit. And a market cap of over $15bn.

That’s Expedia in a nutshell.

One of the largest travel sites in the world, Expedia and its subsidiaries (which include Hotels.com, Trivago, HomeAway and Travelocity) help millions of travelers find flights and hotels every month.

Conversion rate optimization is a major concern for a business as large as Expedia’s.

When you’re dealing with tens of millions of transactions every year, even a 0.2% bump in conversion rates can translate into millions in extra revenue.

For obvious reasons, there’s a lot you can learn about CRO best practices and innovations by understanding how Expedia turns visitors into customers”.

An in-depth analysis of how Expedia converts visitors into customers: Part one


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