‘2017 B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends’ – MarketingProfs
Ann Handley says, “B2B content marketers are doing a great job, but they’re still up against some challenges, according to brand-new research.
First, the good news: B2B marketers are indeed finding success with content marketing: 62% of B2B marketers in North America say their organization’s overall approach to content marketing has been much more or somewhat more successful than a year ago, according to B2B Content Marketing: 2017 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends—North America.
MarketingProfs and Content Marketing Institute, a UBM company, today released the seventh annual iteration of our research, which is sponsored by Brightcove. This year, the survey was redesigned, including new questions and revised questions, to draw out clearer insights into the successes and challenges content marketers face.
Marketers gave the most credit for their success to two factors—doing a better job with content creation (85% of B2B content marketers cited it) and developing or adjusting their content marketing strategy (72%).
The news wasn’t all rosy, though. For example, although 72% of B2B marketers are more focused on building long-term relationships than on getting quick results from their content marketing, only half agree that their leadership team gives them ample time to produce content marketing results”.
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