‘7 Amazing Tips to Help Boost A Blog Post’s Organic Ranking’ – HubSpot
Samantha Shannon says, “If you are currently running a content marketing campaign, I’m sure that you have written and published a good amount of blogs. But are they bringing in traffic? You can publish a great piece of content, but if no one ever reads it your time and energy will have been for nothing. So what can you do about it? Get that post to rank well organically!
Before I get ahead of myself, not every post will have the potential to rank well. That’s why the first step to boosting a blog to the top of page 1, is to decide which blogs have the chance to succeed.
So which blog should do you boost?
First things first, Google the target keyword in your blog post title and assess the competition around that keyword/ topic. What kind of sites are ranking first? If the top position holders are high authority sites such as New York Times, Forbes, INC.com, or (generally speaking) websites with .edu or .gov urls, chances are your blog is not going to out rank them. Brian Dean at Backlinko explains it best: “All things being equal, a page on an authoritative domain will rank higher than a page on a domain with less authority.”
With this in mind, try to choose a blog that has less competition around its target keyword”.
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