Andy Zyanga says, “If you develop a new offering, will customers buy it? That’s the perennial challenge for today’s companies, and it’s becoming more acute as pressures to innovate “first and fast” intensify.

Product launch cycles are becoming mercilessly short, and companies are continually racing to commercialize innovations ahead of the next competitor. If they can truly break new ground, so much the better.

Indeed, according to research published by the Harvard Business Review, the highest long-term, cumulative returns on innovation investments come from disruptive products.

But in the effort to be disruptive and win the innovation race, organizations often fail to gather the advance insights that separate their launches from the estimated 90% that fail. Those debacles—such as the infamous introduction of New Coke—are often preventable with the right discovery and development process”.

If You Create, Will They Buy? How to Go From Insights to Products Customers Want


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