Mike Templeman says, “Content marketing can be a fickle thing. One day a strategy works, the next, it doesn’t. Just when you think you’ve cracked the code, you realize you’re right back at square one, looking at a computer screen, wanting to scream into a pillow. So, if you’re knee-deep in content marketing but it just doesn’t seem to be working, here are the top reasons I see campaigns fail. Hopefully you can use this as a diagnostic tool for your marketing and give it the shot in the arm it requires.

1. You’re selling too much.

No one wants to read your brochure. I mean, when was the last time you had a hankering for someone to interrupt you and sell you something? That’s what I thought. Fact of the matter is, most people are more interested in their own problems and would rather you help them solve those. So, if you can read through your content and it sounds a little “salesy” then it’s time to recreate it with your customer in mind. Start with their problems and teach them how to solve them. Once you’ve done that, you will have created a relationship of trust. And building a relationship between you and the customer is really what your campaign’s goal should be”.

If Your Content Marketing Isn’t Working This Is Probably Why


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