Ginny Marvin says, “Google made several announcements around analytics at SMX East in New York City on Wednesday.

In a keynote discussion and blog postBabak Pahlavan, senior director of product management for analytics solutions and measurement at Google, explained a number of new features and product tests available for both the free and paid versions of Google’s analytics suite.

Here’s a look at what’s coming.

Free version of Optimize 360

Google introduced a set of measurement products with the Analytics 360 Suite in March. Shortly thereafter, the company released a beta version of its new reporting solution, Data Studio. Now comes the free version, also in beta, of Optimize 360. Google Optimize is a landing page testing and optimization tool that integrates directly with Google Analytics. Users can request an invite to the beta starting today”.

Google launches free version of Optimize 360, introduces Session Quality Score metric & more

Marketing Land

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