Emma Koehn of SmartCompany has published an article focusing the new range of products launched by Google.

Emma says, “Google executives took to a stage in the power station of an old chocolate factory overnight to unveil a suite of new products at its “#madebygoogle” event. There was something very Willy Wonka about the show, an inside look at the company that had technology tragics glued to their screens. Chief executive Sundar Pichai’s opening address drove home how the company has been working towards tech that is intelligent and products that are designed to help users in more facets of their lives.

The products on show respond to the way the boundaries between work and personal lives have been steadily collapsing. The pitch was the latest products will create a “more individualised” Google for all users, and the potential of the developments for business owners and operators has obvious appeal – that is, provided you’re happy allowing a virtual assistant organising your files.

But beyond the shiny packaging, how are these new toys being slated for everyday use?

Google Assistant

Ready for a back and forth conversation with the virtual helper in your phone? The tech giant hopes so. A decent chunk of the Google presentation was devoted to explaining how the new “Google Assistant” technology will be built into a variety of hardware, like Google Home and Pixel phones. It might not seem too different to the pre-existing “Now” personal assistant, but the idea is the new helper will adapt to how a user interacts with it, building on the user’s personal information”.

How Google’s new products will always be learning from you – at home and in your business

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