Tim Peterson says, “Snapchat is rolling back the redesign it made in June to its all-important Stories tab and rolling out new features, like Story Playlists and post-roll ads, that may make Snapchat more like TV than ever, and potentially better.

If you already know what’s changed but don’t understand why, you can head straight here. Otherwise, here’s a rundown of what is going on and what it means for Snapchat, as well as for its users and advertisers.

What’s happening to the Stories tab?

There are two types of changes.

Appearance-wise, the Recent Updates feed of people’s individual Stories will now appear atop the Stories tab, and the feed of Discover publishers’ channels and Live Stories will be placed below it. Depending on how many people you follow on Snapchat, those Discover channels and Live Stories may appear way lower than usual, making it more likely than you’ll need to swipe over to the Discover tab to remember they exist.

The bigger change is how the Recent Updates feed works. Remember back in March, when Snapchat made it so that when one person’s Story ended, you would automatically be shown the next person’s story? Remember how some people were bummed that they would no longer be automatically returned to the Recent Updates feed to pick and choose whose Story they saw next? Well, Snapchat is pressing “undo” on that change”.

Snapchat’s latest Stories tab redesign adds post-roll ads, playlists

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