Liz Willits says, “In this week’s #EmailChat, we teamed up with Express Writers, a copywriting agency known for creating epic content for their clients, to talk about the ways that modern marketers can optimize their content for maximum shareability.

From getting more likes, shares and retweets to increasing email opens and clicks, read on for your five-minute guide to share-worthy content.

When creating content, aim to engage

You can’t predict when or if a piece of content will go viral, but you can aim to make your content more engaging. And creating actionable, engaging content is a vital part of any marketing strategy.

Shareable content is – in it’s most simplest terms – content that has a likelihood to be shared. MovableInk calls it content that “makes you feel something.” It’s how you know you’re delivering a great experience to your readers”.

7 Ways to Create Share-Worthy Content


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