‘Shared Content Optimization: What It Is & Why You Need to Care’ – HubSpot
Oren Barzilai says, “Nearly every smart marketer wants to create content that puts their company on the map and attract more customers.
According to HubSpot’s research, inbound marketing and content marketing have been the most effective method of doing business online. It’s no secret that high quality and shareable content is in high demand, but it is becoming exceedingly difficult to create top-notch pieces that cut through the noise.
A big piece to the inbound marketing puzzle comes from social media. The reality is that a lot of great content goes undiscovered due to improper optimization.
Social platforms can be a highly effective advertising tool for content, but unfortunately it’s all too easy to miss the mark on your strategy — and ultimately, engagement suffers right along with your ROI.
One of the primary focuses of content creation today is shared content optimization (SCO). Shared content optimization is the process of optimizing content to increase the likelihood of social shares, impressions, and even sales”.
Shared Content Optimization: What It Is & Why You Need to Care
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