Marcia Riefer Johnston says, “E pluribus unum. Out of many, one. Flip the words around, and you’ve got E unum pluribus. Or maybe E unibus plurum. At any rate, you’ve got the savvy marketer’s motto: Out of one, many.

Out of one piece of content, many pieces.

Or how about this twist: Out of one subject-matter-expert interview, many pieces of content.

That insight comes to us from Vishal Khanna, CMI’s 2015 Content Marketer of the Year and director of digital marketing at Wake Forest Innovations, the commercialization arm for Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. Vishal shared his approach to subject matter expert (SME) interviews in his talk at this year’s Intelligent Content Conference. (His ICC talk had the same title as an article Ardath Albee wrote about him: How to Deliver Quantifiable Content Marketing Success With a Small Team.)

To make the most of every minute you get with your SMEs — you know how precious those minutes are — Vishal suggests that you prepare for and conduct each interview in a way that enables you to create multiple pieces of uniquely valuable content”.

How to Get More (and Better) Content From Your Subject Matter Experts

Content Marketing Institute

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