Lindsay Kolowich says, “From blog posts to landing pages to job postings, your website may be made up of tens, hundreds; even thousands of individual pages.

But regardless how many pages you have on your site, you’ll find that the vast majority of your traffic comes in to a few, very specific pages — often your homepage, your “About” page, your “Contact Us” page, and maybe one or two of your most popular blog posts.

And because so many people are landing on those four or five pages, it’s very important that you take special care to optimizing those pages for conversions. Download our free marketing tool that helps you generate more leads and learn about website visitors.

Otherwise, you’re leaving potentially massive lead and sales numbers on the table. Research shows that companies that take on a structured approach towards conversion optimization are 2X as likely to see a large increase in sales. Trust me: Optimizing these pages can pay off big time in the long run.

So, how do you figure out which pages on your website get the most traffic? And once you’ve found that out, what are the best ways to optimize those pages for leads — and which tools can help? Let’s start with the first question.

Which Pages Get the Most Traffic?

Which pages get the most traffic will vary from website to website. Typically, you’ll find that the most-visited pages on a given website include the homepage, the ‘About Us’ page, the ‘Contact Us’ page. But to figure it out for sure, you’ll need to turn to your marketing software”.

How to Generate Leads From the Most Popular Pages on Your Website


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