‘US Tech Market Poised For Another Year Of Moderate 4% to 5% Growth If Election Results Don’t Interfere’ – Forrester Blogs
Andrew Bartels says, “Forrester has just published our fall forecast update for the US tech market (“2017 US Tech Budgets: The Outlook For Tech Spending Overall And By Industry“), and we are now projecting 5.1% growth for business and government spending on tech goods, services, and staff in 2017. That’s a modest improvement from the 4.4% growth we are forecasting for 2016. That 2017 forecast assumes a continuation of the economic policies now in place under the Obama administration and the Republican Congress, and thus a Hilary Clinton election along with Republican control of at least the House of Representatives. Should Donald Trump win the election or alternatively the Democrats take control of both the House and the Senate, our forecast for the US tech market in 2017 would be quite different.
The three main forces driving this forecast are the moderate pace of real economic growth at around 2%, the strong demand for the Business Technologies (BT) that help firms win, serve, and retain customers, and the transition to cloud”.
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