Tim Peterson says, “Apparently, the brands looking to buy Twitter the company are way more concerned about the social network’s longstanding but recently highlighted harassment issues than the brands looking to buy its ads.

Quick recap: Over the summer, “Saturday Night Live” star Leslie Jones came under attack from a mob of racist trolls on Twitter and temporarily left Twitter because of the abuse. Then BuzzFeed published a series of reports investigating Twitter’s inability to curtail the harassment happening on its platform.

These high-profile examples of Twitter’s harassment problems got some people — ahem, some people *on Twitter* — wondering what Twitter’s issue is and whether they should continue to use its service. Brands don’t seem have to been asking the same questions, based on conversations with execs from five separate ad agencies, two of whom declined to talk on the record.

“None of my clients have brought up the recent issues,” said Mary Kate Gough, social media content specialist at WHITE64.

“Not for a lack of us bringing this up in conversation to our clientele, but we really have not had a strategic conversation about [it] with brands that we work with,” said Price Glomski, executive VP at PMG. “Out of 35 partners on our side, that conversation has maybe happened with one or two.”

“For the brands that we’re working [with] at Periscope and our team’s perspective on it, the harassment issue isn’t necessarily at the forefront of our thinking,” said Joe Filipas”.

What marketers think of Twitter’s harassment problem: ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Marketing Land

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