David Groom says, “Regardless of the niche or industry you operate in, it’s possible to avoid wasted time and effort by heeding the following five tips to practically guarantee that your website’s inbound link strategy will start moving forward immediately:

1. Create shareworthy content

Publishing fresh content that readers will be inclined to share is perhaps the fastest way to see an influx of inbound links [literally] overnight. When a reader encounters a piece of content that they’re tempted to share, they’re not going to put it off until the next day – they typically share the link to their friends or followers while they’re reading it. Thus, the primary focus should be creating content that basically screams “share this now.” Here are a few elements you can incorporate into your posts to maximize the chances of someone sharing it immediately:

  • Shock/surprise factor – Any headline that contains exciting and interesting fact(s)or opinions(s) not seen elsewhere.
  • Enriching information – Try to make your content genuinely useful and unique with the goal of enriching the reader’s lives or business efforts”.

5 Ways Businesses Can Attract Inbound Links Immediately


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