Andrew Chapin says, “Online advertising sucks.You already know the reasons why: First, there are the visuals: Most ads are ugly and interrupt the browsing experience — and then there’s what ads do to website-load times. Users do everything in their power to avoid those irrelevant, intrusive ads: Nearly 200 million people worldwide use ad-blocking –software.

And the result for publishers is almost $22 billion in lost ad revenue.

So, what’s a publisher to do? Ad scrollers help. This relatively new format appears as a window, running in line within the content feed. As the user scrolls through an article, the ad moves smoothly and seamlessly on and off the screen.

When mobile-device users were shown the scrollers, 51 percent of those surveyed expressed a favorable view of the brand involved. So one implication here was clear, and crucial: An ad’s placement is just as important (perhaps more so) than aesthetic variables, like copy, color or design”.

3 Ways to Make Sure Your Online Ads Aren’t a Turnoff


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