Liz Willits says, “Sometimes, less is more. And when it comes to your email marketing strategy, this can absolutely be true.

While some audiences love to receive a long, descriptive email, others may quickly become bored or overwhelmed by messages that contain a mountain of text.

For these subscribers, a short, snappy, attention-grabbing email is both more engaging and more effective. And as you deliver content your audience wants, it can also mean higher open and click-through rates for you in the long run.

If you’ve tried long-form emails and aren’t seeing results, it may be time to try a short-form email (an email with not much written content) instead.

To help get you started, here are five tactics and examples for writing and designing short form emails your subscribers will love.

1. Convey meaning with images instead of copy.

Instead of using words to convey meaning, you can use images to create connection, feeling and meaning. This is also an easy way to shorten the length of your message”.

5 Tactics for Short Emails that Pack a Punch


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